


    1. Virtual Reality
      HapMotion:Motion-to-Tactile framework with wearable haptic devices for immersive VR performance experience
      Kyungeun Jung, Sangpil Kim, Seungjae Oh, and Sang Ho Yoon
      Virtual Reality(Springer), 2024


    1. UIST EA
      🏆Mo2Hap:Rendering VR Performance Motion Flow to Upper-body Vibrotactile Haptic Feedback
      Kyungeun Jung, and Sang Ho Yoon
      UIST (Demo), 2023
    2. ISMAR Adjunct
      ThumbJoy:Using the Thumb’s Metacarpophalangeal Joint as a Joystick Input Device
      Kyungeun Jung, KunWoo Song, and Seungmin Lee
      ISMAR, 2023
    3. IEEE VR
      Mo2Hap:Rendering performer’s Motion Flow to Upper-body Vibrotactile Haptic Feedback for VR performance
      Kyungeun Jung, and Sang Ho Yoon
      IEEE VR, 2023
    4. Meta-Blocks Customizable VR Controller with Multi-input Kinesthetic Haptic Feedback
      Kyungeun Jung, Youjin Sung, Yoonjae Hong, Hyunho Na, and 2 more authors
      Korea HCI Conference, 2023


    1. End-To-End Human Activity Recognition using Deep GraphNeural Networks with Data Augmentation for Sparse Radar PointClouds data
      SeJun Park, Kyungeun Jung, Kawon Lee, and JiHie Kim
      Korea Journal of Computing Science and Engineering, 2022
